The Other Side of Hate

To rest, not think, not care, not move, just breathe while holding on,
Desperate but fail to hoard, each precious breath, "So long,"
Quick! Smile wide, maybe laugh or hysterically cry,
Haunted with ghosts gnawing away at moments swift to trickle by,
To worry not every second of every night and day,
Fearing and clutching onto every memory stolen from the tidal sway,
Saddening, in aggrieved daunting, far as the eyes see are littered lives.
No longer hopeful not even wanting, as humanity painfully dies.
Pray tell is nowhere left to hide, is all but tedious, taunting wait?
Will there be an other side, for victims of suicide, from weapons of dire hate?
Gunjan Bhatnagar, aghast, exhausted but not giving in.